Kansas City Chiefs fans argue that the Oakland Raiders have no credibility, that the Denver Broncos are in disarray and that the San Diego Chargers will be a contender but won't challenge them enough to take the division.
Raiders fans argue that Kansas City hasn't proven anything by winning against sub-.500 teams, the exception being the 4-4 Jacksonville Jaguars. They think San Diego will lose the rest of their games this year after breaking the consecutive win streak and that Denver is the worst team in history after allowing 59 points at home.
Broncos fans argue that Raiders fans are thugs and point to off-field issues such as JaMarcus Russell's unheralded failure. They consider the Chiefs "that one team with Dante Hall" and relate with the Chargers because, after all, San Diego is a pretty nice place.
AFC West Arguments
Let's start with this: The majority of bad arguments are made by Raiders fans. This doesn't have anything to do with passion, dedication or bleeding silver and black. In fact, because of their sheer passion, comments are rattled off with little fact-backing. I'm not passing judgment; I'm a Raiders fan, and my intent is to simply share what I've seen as of late on this epic debate.
There are several ways to attack a debate, and Oakland prefers what I'll call "team down-sizing." Raiders fans are quick to call Denver "the Donkos;" KC a word that starts with "qw" and rhymes with chiefs; and the Chargers' faithful are simply known as "fair weather fans."
Oakland fans tend to argue without much rhyme or reason because of their strong belief in commitment. However, it's duly noted that somewhere along the line, the term commitment got defined differently, like in a game of telephone among third-graders.
Commitment ...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders