Oakland Raiders Will Cause a Storm in the NFL With 3 Consecutive Wins-We Won

What happened? What's going on, as Marvin Gaye would say?

Of seven NFL experts in the media, three of them believe the Oakland Raiders will defeat the Kansas City Chiefs.

One of the experts, Jason Cole, is on the positive side of it, predicting that the Oakland Raiders will defeat the Kansas City Chiefs.

In 2000, 2001 and 2002, consecutive wins were common. The 2010 Oakland Raiders are ready to add to the historical archives by producing a string of wins to set the record straight.

The Oakland Raiders are jam-packed with talent and athletic ability. Some naysayers believe that some of the players are on the team only for the money. Most of us disagree.

It just takes time to get the rhythm and passion built up for keen and powerful decisions to go for victory, no matter what.

Clearly, achievers are risk-takers. It looks like each player has looked at the situations on the playing field and they are taking more risks and getting more positive outcomes. They are moving toward the "edge" of their individual situations on the playing field and they are pushing the boundaries and moving toward more victories.

The Oakland Raiders are making much better on-the-spot decisions. Reaction times are quicker and better, and something great has been happening in the past two weeks.

Once this type of thinking becomes second nature to all of the players, the Oakland Raiders will be unstoppable.

Go, Oakland Raiders and cause a new type of media storm. Let the storm begin on Nov. 7, 2010.

Read more Oakland Raiders news on BleacherReport.com


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