Oakland Raiders: Strange Patterns, Strange Connections and Strange Love for Team

I am thinking positive thoughts about the Oakland Raiders. So, I went to Home Depot to purchase supplies for my patio and deck to get ready for my tailgate parties in my own backyard. While shopping for a new barbecue pit and ceiling fan, a lady named Becky helped me.

She didn't know that she was helping an Oakland Raiders fan move forward in preparation for the 2011 season. When I finished my search for equipment it seemed like she followed me outside to the parking lot. She asked, "Have you looked at the moon. It is closer to the earth tonight than it has been in years."

I looked up and saw the "supermoon" she talked about. I wondered when was the last time this happened that the moon in its elliptical path would be closer than usual to the earth.

Since there can be hidden messages in many things, I thought to myself, "Might I find a message embedded in this celestial incident." I found one, although it may seem to be a weak connection.

My focus is one for the recovery and resurgence of the Oakland Raiders as a leading team in the NFL. So, I did research on the year the moon was last recorded as being closer to earth than usual.

I found that it was 18 years ago, in 1993 that this celestial incident happened. I then looked up what happened to the Oakland Raiders 18 years ago. Well, I found that in 1993, the Raiders had a 10-6 record and they went to the playoffs. They won one of the two games while in the playoffs in 1993.

Then I looked up the meaning of 18 from several perspectives. Since on the night I stood on my patio and stared at the large, bright moon, I also hung two "Hamsa" on a new ceiling fan, I remembered something special.

Those Hamsa have a chai symbol on them, and the number for chai is also 18. I thought, "Aren't these strange connections and coincidences?"

So, I conjecture in a loose and playful way that since the perigee is the largest since 1993, ...

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