Oakland Raiders: Offseason Power Rankings for Oakland’s Roster

For the first time in a few years, the Oakland Raiders' fanbase seems to have a grasp on two very important things: realistic expectations and realistic hope.

On the one hand, after years of losing, the Black Hole finally seems to have accepted the fact that, unlike in the past, there is no more quick fix out there. With the dire situation of the salary cap, the Oakland Raiders are in full rebuilding mode, and oddly enough, people seem to be at peace with that.

On the flip side, signings like the one of Charles Woodson seem to have invigorated folks, leaving them with a sense that eventually this whole thing might turn out alright.

Regardless of the future, however, the Raiders still need to field a 53-man roster this fall—no matter how tough it might be.

With that in mind, we've set out to rank the 53 best guys currently on the roster all the way from No. 53 to No. 1.

Of course, no ranking list is ever unanimous, so let us know what you think in the comments.

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