Here are some of the responses:
One student said he saw a depressed man. A student said he saw a very aggressive man. Another student said he saw a man who had been beheaded. Another student said he saw a strong warrior. A student saw a shield And, the perceptions went on and on.
An article on the logo was read to them. The idea was to inspire them to see deeply, as we sometimes see different things in artwork.
We see the Oakland Raiders logo differently because what we see is often related to the experiences that each of us have.
Then, the students were told what the professor saw.
The professor saw the following:
a helmet two swords a head a face a patch a shield Possibly more symbols.
The other symbols the professor saw were:
alef dalet continuity openness two double-edged swords increased ability of the other senses when compared to the patched eye a paradox in the finite and infinite represented by alef (similar to an A) selflessness represented by dalet (similar to a D) More Insight
Later, after a Calculus II student participated in the exercise, the student said, in so many words:
"My optometrist told me that the pirate covered one eye not because he was blind in it or he had lost the eye, rather by covering one eye, the other eye focuses quickly and adjusts for better night vision.
"This was done so that the pirate would be ready for war even if it occurred at night."
I thought. This is profound.
No other logo in the NFL has a design that is loaded with various symbols inspiring many interpretations. How smart the designer of the logo must have been? How brilliant for Al Davis to select and retain such a powerful logo which can easily represent a powerful lesson....
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders