Have you ever thought about the possible meaning of the Oakland Raiders logo?
It contains two swords, a helmet, a head, and a face, all contained in a shield. There may be even more symbols to transmit meaning.
This is an exciting day during the 2010 preseason. The Oakland Raiders already have the symbols representing, no doubt, the concepts and precepts for victory.
For example, after doing some research on the Hebrew language, I learned there are things that can be connected to the logo of the Oakland Raiders.
It can also be representative of the fire and flare that is rising up again in the 2010 team.
Hue Jackson used the word "flare" to described himself and coach Tom Cable. That pointed me to the possibility of something deeper going on in the Raiders camp.
For several years now, I have been studying several books on the deeper meaning of the Hebrew language. In the book, "Hebrew Talk, 101 Hebrew Roots and the Stories They Tell," on page 103 is a chapter titled, "The Fire This Time."
I immediately recalled Hue Jackson's use of the word "flare," which is associated with fire. I kept reading. I searched and found my book.
The book explains the root word lamed-heh-bet (transliterated spelling of three Hebrew consonants) which means "flame."
Then, the book explains,
"The first one is the revelation that the verbal form of the root quite likely originally meant to be thirsty." I thought of the Oakland Raiders thirst for victory.
"It is easy to see how that led to "to burn with thirst," and from there to "to blaze fiercely." Again, I thought the 2010 team must blaze fiercely with the desire for victory.
It continues,
"It is also perhaps not too difficult, especially if you have...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders