Review for Retention and Revitalization of the Oakland Raiders
Al Davis made a presentation at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio in 2006. The win-loss record for the Oakland Raiders in that same year was four wins and 12 losses.
How do you think Davis feels now, having been given one of the highest honors in professional football (he was enshrined in 1992), yet his team had the worst win-loss record in a seven-year period? We look back, using hindsight.
Here is the data to remind you "how stuck on low achievement" this may have seemed to a lot of people:
Year Wins Losses
2009 5 11
2008 5 11
2007 4 12
2006 2 14
2005 4 12
2004 5 11
2003 4 12
I know of a professional educator who received all types of accolades in 1984. He was placed in a high school where the students did not seem to care much about pursuing excellence. He told the students, "A teacher is only as great as his students. If you are failing, then I am failing."
The need to improve
This example points out the need for the Oakland Raiders to improve. They have got to do better in order to re-gain the integrity of the franchise. As there should be a correlation between an outstanding educator and outsta...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders