But we must clear the air on what is really going on, especially as the question on keep or cut him lingers after the recent signing of QB Jason Campbell.
Myth - Oakland Raiders owe Jamarcus Russell $9.5 million dollars if we keep him.
FACT - The Raiders do have him under contract and will owe him $3 million guaranteed, and if he gets injured in training camp or is on the roster Week one then yes we could owe him more. But the decision to keep/cut him is based on $3 million and I think Jamarcus should restructure his contract.
Basically Oakland should say to him "Look, take the pay cut and you can stay on the team, even compete for 1st or 2nd string. Or we cut you and you get only $3 million without likely getting picked up by any other team. Now, if you do get signed, it wont be for much and you still have a better chance with us."
Myth - Jamarcus Russell has poor work ethic.
FACT - Russell spent the majority of the off season out of the spotlight and was working with a personal trainer while being backed by Willie Brown and was reportedly a new man. This shows he did want to put in some work to get better.
Also last year he held a private workshop for the WRs in his home town in Alabama, which again shows he is trying to get better. Now I admit he should still be the first one in the locker room and the last one out as QB and should read the playbook and watch film, but he's still young.
Myth - "JaWalrus" tips the scale at 300lbs.
FACT - This report has never been confirmed. It was created by Raider Haters LAST year as well, and this year it came up again. This is reported by th...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders