Bob Griese is from Evansville, so a lot of the old timers are Dolphin fans. My best drinking buddy, Stan "The Packer Fan" and a few loyal cheeseheads also populate my sports bar. Then there's the rather large Steeler contingent who jumped on the bandwagon in the '70's and this great big dude who always wears a Howie Long jersey and myself who represent the Raiders. Everyone else seems to be a Colts fan.
So what's a Raider fan to do this Sunday? I see only two options.
Option one involves being a bitter hater. Since I'm jealous of the Colts success and I hate the fact that all these Colts fans cheered for other teams prior to "Operation Mayflower" it seems the likely solution is to loudly cheer for the Saints.
I won't do that. Instead I'll choose the other option. I will support my johnny-come-lately Colts loving buddies and root for the Colts. Here's why.
No one wants to see their friends be miserable. Even friends who know nothing of their team's history prior to 1983 and don't even seem to care.
I like to drink. Shots will be coming my way when the Colts score. Why not let these bandwagon jumping, Manning loving, historically unenlightened friends pay for my support!
Also, I have nothing to lose(except a large wager) here! Win or lose I'll be the friend who supported my buddies on their "very important" day.
Also, I insure less Raider hate next year. After all I was there for them, right? Of course I was!
Then there's the whole gambling thing. I think I may already alluded to that. Let's just say I don't see Manning throwing one of those vintage, big moment, crippling interceptions. I can never resist a Brett Favre dig! Sorry Stan!
Then there's the whole reverse jinx thing. This may be my favorite angle and may be ...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Oakland Raiders