The more they win, the easier it is to see that the Lakers don't even have to make a trade to go deep in the playoffs. They're already a great team.
Seemingly everyday there is a different rumor circulating. Today's stew features the Lakers sending Steve Blake to Portland for Ray Felton. (This might actually be a great trade on paper, but the Lakers probably will have to include more in the deal, which is something they might not want to do.)
It doesn't just end there.
Fans have created an obsession for themselves. They've created a problem that doesn't exist. They constantly think that a trade has to be made.
Hell, my cousin incessantly sends me massive three-team blockbuster deals on ESPN's Trade Machine every single day. The chances of one of these babies working out is equivalent to the probability of a snowstorm shutting down Interstate 5 in Los Angeles.
Not happening.
And it doesn't need to happen.
Have you not seen the Lakers play recently?
Have you not seen them dominate other teams in the paint all season long? Or Kobe Bryant average near 30 points per game with a bruised and battered body and face?
Fans love to overreact when something isn't going their way. When the Chris Paul trade was vetoed, every Laker fan decided that the world was going to end and that the Lakers were done.
Then the Lakers traded Lamar Odom for literally nothing.
Fast forward a few months and it looks like the Lakers have won that trade by a mile-and-a-half. At first, fans crushed the organization for letting something like that happen. Turns out they know what they're doing.
Folks, the Lakers are essentially tied with the Clippers right now and that's after a horrid start to ...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Los Angeles Lakers