Lakers News: Steve Nash Already Feels Sorry for the Phoenix Community

Fans all over Arizona have taken to the cyber world to express their disgust and disappointment in the former Canadian star who jetted town to join the highly rivaled Los Angeles Lakers.

Having read thousands of tweets and Facebook posts filled with sorrow and hatred, nothing speaks more loudly than this video that just went viral. And, Steve Nash had something to say about it.

To Lakers fans, this has to be hilarious to say the least. While a four-year-old girl's cries are enough to make any heart melt, they still echo the thoughts of thousands of Phoenix fans. And, that is where Lakerland has the last laugh.

You see, Laker diehards do not forget things too easily. 

We still remember those two painful years (2005-2007) when our team was eliminated from the playoffs. It is like yesterday that we witnessed Raja Bell's cheap clothesline shot to Kobe Bryant during those playoffs. And, we remember your taunts, your jokes and your spews. 

But who is crying and who is laughing now?

At least Steve Nash has a little empathy, as evidence by his retweet of @iamBrittany.

Does anyone know this little girl? We would like to send her an autograph, (if she'll still have it.)

— Brittany (@iamBrittanyv) July 7, 2012 But in Los Angeles, compassion flew out the door the moment Nash landed into the Lakers' laps—not that there was any empathy to begin with.

The very man who made us feel vulnerable and weak, the little Canadian who once brought the Lakers to minuscule proportions, now resides with the hungry giants. 

Who are the microscopic irrelevants now?

While you are all chasing your tails over Eric Gordon, we are now pursuing rings. And, while you frantically search for a new leader, we will be directed by an all-time great. Not only does he love his new team, he endorses them as the reinstated NBA kings.


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