Gilbert Arenas Screams at Nick Young, Reminds Us All Not to Drive and Instagram

Want to see a video of rich people screaming and completely disregarding the rules of the road?

If so, Gilbert Arenas and Nick Young have you covered.

Judging by the video he posted to his Instagram account, Arenas recently encountered Young while cruising down the highway in California. What did the former Wizards guard do? He lost his mind, of course.

The video was spotted by Paul Sacca of, and begins with Arenas saying “When you see a Laker...on the FREEWAY...this is what you do!”

The video then cuts to a shot of Young—or a man in a Lakers warmup shirt who looks a lot like Young—driving a white Range Rover alongside Arenas’ car. 

Arenas yells “Nick Young!!!” while Nick Young takes video...of Arenas taking video...of him taking video.

Mind you, the two are traveling on the freeway while this is happening, and while Arenas appears to be in the passenger seat while shooting his video, Young is definitely driving his car and trying to film.

Granted, what Young does in his car is his business, but when you’re driving, maybe just give him a wave and then move on. No one deserves to be injured over a Gilbert Arenas Instagram video.

Imagine that, Lakers fans. Do you want to see a headline that says “Nick Young in Hospital After High Speed Instagram Accident With Gilbert Arenas"? 

Arenas, on the other hand, can afford to injure himself in the name of Instagram humor. The former NBA star is still bringing in money from the six-year, $111 million contract he signed with the Washington Wizards in 2008—a fact he’s quick to share with the world.

Just last week, Arenas showed off his cash flow by posting a picture of a roll of $100 bills, claiming he used them as toilet paper.

Wipe away, Gilbert—but let's do ou...

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