For example: “Everybody wants to play in Los Angeles. New York’s a beautiful place; don’t get me wrong. But it’s cold as (expletive) out here.”
Or about free agents relocating being viewed as chasing championships: “It’s a familiar story with LeBron James, and he seemed to turn out OK.”
Well, there are some substantial obstacles in the way of Anthony coming to the Lakers, and one of them is that it’d just to be too cute for La La to live in L.A. (Anthony’s wife, La La, is also good friends with Vanessa Bryant.)
Let’s tally up the seven most significant issues with Carmelo going to the Lakers:
1. If you listened to Bryant’s entire pregame media session, it was clear that Bryant wasn’t really intimating anything with regard to Anthony. In fact, Bryant said “all jokes aside,” he leaves it up to each player and his family with the caveat on Anthony “if he wants to call me for advice later.”
2. Anthony has a lot of red flags sprouting out of his game, including on the defensive side where the Lakers have all white flags. With Bryant and Anthony, the Lakers would be putting forth nearly $50 million a year for two players similar in their ball-stopping offense and non-stopping defense. Mike D’Antoni, for how much he sneers at post-up plays, called a bunch of them for Jordan Hill to go after Anthony on Sunday.
3. Anthony has a lot of red flags sprouting out of his character, including how he set himself up for all this losing in New York by forcing his way there via trade and diminishing the...
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Los Angeles Lakers